After a rodent infestation, you may have been left with droppings and rodent debris. It is therefore important to get the droppings removed and the areas sterilised as soon as possible. Such debris can carry disease and a whole host of problems for your family or business. Here at OG Pest Control, we have the solution to your problem. We offer a full dropping and sterilising treatment which will eliminate the risk of disease spreading.

Firstly, we will need to eliminate the existing infestation and then proof the area to ensure that no other rodents are able to enter. Once this is complete, we will then use professional pest control chemicals to remove all rodent debris and droppings. Lastly, we are able to fumigate and disinfect the area. It is a good idea to leave windows open near the source of the infestation to allow ventilation and fresh air to enter.

We are equipped with the necessary safety gear and professional pest removal products, so it is important to call in a professional for this job. Rodent droppings can cause sickness. Please give us a call on 0203 8279454. We are available 24/7 hours a week.