As urbanisation has increased, so too have foxes. This is because foxes are quite dependent on the waste that humans create. They are no longer an uncommon sight and are often seen roaming towns and sitting in back gardens. They are adapting to their surroundings, and although naturally shy creatures, they no longer fear humans like they used to.
The more waste and litter there is, the more likely foxes will be nearby. Storing your litter in secure bins and bags is highly recommended to prevent the foxes from creating a den nearby. We also recommend securing away rabbits, chickens and other such outdoor hutch animals as well as possible because foxes are determined creatures and will try everything they can to get into hutches. By some, they are considered nuisances because they can be noisy (a peculiar mating yowl), fouling (marking property) and digging (looking for food and dens).

As most people know, red foxes are the most common type of fox in the UK. They are a close relation to dogs, wolves and other such animals, but can retract their claws like cats. They do not live as packs, but rather in a family called a ‘leash’ or a ‘skulk, consisting of the mother (the vixen), the father (the dog) and the cubs. Dogs look for food whilst the vixen protects the cubs. They can live up to 15 years but in the urban world, they typically only live for three. Litters are normally between 4-7 cubs and their diets are mostly made up of prey and scavenged meat (55%). 20% consists of insects and other such outside bugs, 7% fruit, and the remainder, leftover food scavenged from households.
FACT: Foxes have a ‘magnetic sense’, which they use to track prey. When the magnetic field (seen as a ring of shadow) aligns with the prey’s sound, they attack.
Every year, over half of the fox population are killed which is why we believe in protecting them. The Government also do not see them as a threat to society so they are often left alone. We use ethical deterrents and traps to deter them from sites unharmed. We also provide proofing of your surrounding property and will give you tips on how to prevent further problems. Give us a call and we will create a plan that tackles the problem appropriately.