Rats are considered far worse vermin than mice. They are associated with the black plague that took place during the 14th Century and are known to carry and spread disease. As they typically live underground in unhygienic areas such as sewers, they are very dirty creatures. Because of this, rats are feared by much of the population.
Rats can also cause damage to homes and workplaces, and can be hard to catch as their memory is superb – they are able to remember routes all around buildings! The most common way they get into properties is by travelling up sewer pipes.
What can we do to help?
- Firstly, we can assess your property for weaknesses where rats may be gaining entry.
- We will then remove the rats.
- And lastly, proof your home which will reduce the likelihood of a recurring infestation.
- If you have any further worries or concerns, we are available on the phone 24/7 hours a day!

There are two rat species in the UK – the brown/common rat and the black/ship rat (although far less common in recent years). They live in hierarchial groups underground as they have a great sense of hearing and are very sensitive to noise. Their diet consists of cereal products but like humans, they are omnivores so can eat anything that we do.
The rats that rank lower in the social order will always die out first when there is a shortage of food, and when part of their colony dies, they will reproduce quicker to restore the population. Female rats can have up to five litters a year and in each litter there may be 14 pups. Rats are also able to get pregnant immediately after giving birth to a litter! In five weeks, the pups are sexually mature and can also contribute to population growth meaning the population can go from 2 to 15,000 in one year alone. Rats can live up to three years but often die sooner due to predators and pest control measures.
We tackle rat infestations with three-step treatments:
- Firstly, we will investigate the property and lay baits.
- Secondly, we will then return the following week and replenish the baits.
- Lastly, we offer minor proofing of rodent entrances, and can also sterilise and remove rat droppings.
By law, premises must be kept rodent free according to the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949. If rats threaten the health and safety of people within properties, they must be reported to local authority, so please do call us as soon as possible if you have a rat problem and we will tackle it efficiently.