Spiders… the thing of nightmares. Hopefully you don’t have the displeasure of suffering from a spider infestation. But if you do, we understand why you would want a professional to dispose of them!
Spiders love homes because they enjoy getting out of the cold and living in our warmth. They love secluded spots (particularly ceiling corners and dark lofts). They feed on flies, moths and other insects that they trap in their webs.
In the UK, there are over 650 species of spider. Most of these are harmless but some can bite. False widows and black widows have been sited in recent years and can be a cause for alarm because they can bite and cause allergic reactions which have sadly resulted in human deaths in the past.

If you notice a large amount of spiders in your home, or you are concerned about a spider that could potentially be venomous, then we suggest you call us immediately. Spiders are expected to live in homes no matter the situation, so it is difficult to suggest ways in which you could reduce the chances of them moving in. So it is best to call us in if you are scared of them like most of the UK population!