Squirrels may look adorable, but it is a known fact that they can be aggressive. Especially if their territory is disturbed. Squirrels do not commonly inhabit homes or buildings as they often prefer to nest in high spaces outside such as trees. However, on the odd occasion, they could inhabit a building and become a problem. Particularly if they target electrical equipment and cause a fire!

Grey squirrels are known to carry the ‘pox virus’. Although it cannot spread to humans, it is fatal to red squirrels, hence why their species is facing potential extinction. The Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 protects red squirrels, so it is against the law to eradicate them. It is therefore vital to make sure the species is identified correctly. Conservationists estimate that there are over 2 million grey squirrels in the UK but sadly only 10,000 to 15,000 red squirrels.
FACT: The red squirrel is native to the UK. Unfortunately, grey squirrels were bought to Europe during the late 19th Century and people were unaware how the two species would impact one another.
Up to 10 male squirrels may chase a female to mate, but the dominant male always wins out. There are two breeding periods that take place every year – in the summer and winter. Females can give birth to up to nine infants at a time, and they do not leave the nest until they are weaned at 56-70 days old.
What can we do to
- Eradicate or remove the problem.
- Survey your property and proof it so that squirrels are unable to access your property again.
- All of our work comes with a guarantee!
Squirrels need to be removed professionally. Even if you do try to block them out yourselves, they will continuously cause damage to your building by trying to gain re-entry. Call us on 0203 8279454 for a free quote.